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President’s Scholarship

The President’s Scholarship recognizes students who have demonstrated superior academic performance throughout high school. Students who have taken a rigorous program of study during their high school career (including their senior year), have participated in activities or work and who write an outstanding college essay will be considered for this scholarship. If awarded, a student must maintain a grade point average of 3.3 or higher while earning at least 32 credits per year. Transfer students are also eligible for the President’s Scholarship.

Participants are selected on the basis of the criteria listed above, transcript and financial need.

Please note: Students transferring after only one year of college must submit a high school transcript with their application. Applicants who will be receiving an Associates Degree will only need to supply a college transcript.
Here are some tips for completing your scholarship form:
  • Be sure to use a valid email address that you will use consistently throughout your college application process.
  • If you use a spam filter, please accept emails from
  • Be sure to use capital letters where appropriate.
  • Do not use periods, commas, quotation marks or apostrophes.
  • Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Birthdate *
Birthdate *
Signature and Date
My signature indicates that all the information contained in my application is factually correct and honestly presented.